Here Comes The Sun

We are FINALLY back with a new update. It has been a little over a year since moving to Utah and boy what a year it was. I won’t get into all the details but most of you know the difficulties God brought us through to be here now. Thank you to all of you who prayed and supported us through the past year. God is using you to allow us to shine His light in Utah.

As winter gives way to spring, we are so happy to see the sunshine. We are excited for the chance to be outside to experience this beautiful state, but mostly we are excited for a spring and summer filled with ministry opportunities to reach the lost here in Utah. Redemption North Davis has had a great first year and we are so thankful to be a part of this new church family. One of the the areas of ministry that has been given life this year are our equipping hour which is the 0900-1000 hour before worship. We teach children from birth- 6th grade as well as having a shared class for youth/adults. This equipping hour paired with our community groups are just some of the ways that RND is helping people get closer to each other and to Jesus.

RND has also made entry into the schools. Davis High School will be offering an option for students to participate in the Redemption North Davis Bible Academy. Both pastors and church members will have the opportunity to teach these young men and women the truth of Jesus 3 days a week!

NAMB has also sent several students from the GenSend program to Utah from Charleston Southern this week. They have been canvassing, worshipping, honoring first responders, and fellowshipping within the community in an effort to learn how to share the Gospel and develop their spiritual gifts.

This summer RND will host 8 mission teams from various churches in the southeast including some from South Carolina. These teams along with the GenSend group that will be here all summer will help with canvassing as well as VBS and several other ministry needs.

I am participating in the Redemption Ogden Pastoral Apprenticeship. This is an opportunity to learn about various pastoral ministries as well as developing and building upon the gifts of each individual. We have lively and thought provoking conversations as well as some academic papers and related reading. It has been a great experience so far and I look forward to continuing on this path.

Lastly, in October 2023 we opened our home to a young man from Alabama, Nathan Watson. He was here in summer 2023 as a part of GenSend. As summer ended he felt the Lord calling him to stay here in Utah to share the Gospel. He has plugged himself into many different area of ministry here including campus ministry at Weber State University and assisting with the GenSend students this summer. Maci and Hadley have always dreamed of having a “big brother” and Nathan has fit the bill perfectly. In a few weeks he will be heading back to Alabama to raise support for him to pursue full time ministry in Utah.

We cannont ever express our thanks and love for you all enough. Each and every one of you is like a puzzle piece that God is using to put together a beautiful picture of his grace to the people of Utah and beyond. Some needs to consider in prayer…

Pray for the Redemption North Davis Bible Academy, the GenSend and mission teams for this summer.

Pray for our brother Nathan Watson as he relies on God to provide for his ministry life here.

Finally pray that we as a family can take advantage of the weather and engage those surrounding us in Gospel opportunities.

We love you all, thank you for your prayer and support for the kingdom of God.

Ecclesiastes 11:7


A Week of Firsts